Thursday, September 23, 2010

Internet: The Monopoly Of Human's Life

Internet has change it way around us for the past couple of years. Especially us Malaysian, who depends lots of our stuff online such as Banking, shopping, education, payment, and etc. We all have forgotten who we are suppose to be before the existence of the internet around us and we tend to be very much dependent towards the internet. For instance, assignments, we all do it all last minute cause we know there's the help of the internet to allow us to do it last minute are we abusing the convenience the internet has provided us? Even for work, everything is moving to online nowadays, yes it does provide a certain convenience and comfort to our working ways in this generation but again if one day the internet decides to break down on us due to a massive virus spreading through the internet, or the world internet is being hack, the lives we so use to such as entertainment which is done through internet, work, assignments, payment, shopping all from the comfort of our desk all will be gone. Thus will the human life ends and everyone starts to become lifeless? without excitement? all this still are able to achieve even without the help of internet. We must learn how to balance and structure our lives without depending too much on a certain something, a media or application to do our stuff. The convenience there are just to allow us to do work more efficiently and not abusing the given comfort and convenience provided by the internet. Not saying internet is a bad thing but let just not become too dependent of this media as one day it could probably destroy us and we're not able to go back to how we use to be before the existence of internet. Let us use the internet smartly. Thus this is a simple summary of the main points consisted in the persuasive speech i'm going to deliver.

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