Before I start my speech, I would like to request my dear listener temporary forget which language you prefer and remain neutral when I was speaking. It’s that okay for you all?
Alright, today my topic for my speech is “Chinese will be International Language in the future.” I know many of you have different opinion in this topic. The purpose I want you all to remain neutral is to avoid some of you might not like Chinese, or they do not know Chinese. Because I at least I am one them who was think like this, before I could make this speech. So, they don’t think Chinese will be International Language. So, please, it is necessary to be remaining neutral in the following speech.
First of all, I need to make something clear. In term of “Chinese”, majority of the people refer to Mandarin. Chinese could be included Cantonese, Hokka, Hokian and so on. Therefore, Chinese will be international language in the future is also refer to Mandarin will be international language in the future.
Today, my motivation of this speech is to persuade the people who do not agree with Chinese become another international language as English, and also learn Chinese as second language. Before this, I would to emphasize on Chinese would not replace English as International language in term of business and commercial‘s official language. Chinese would only become another international language as important as English.
Based on the survey I did among DMC presentation skill classmate, majority of our class thinks Chinese will be the international language in the future. But, half of the people from this majority prefer English as international language. While the minority of our class doesn’t think Chinese will be the international language in the future. In addition, majority from this minority prefer English as International Language. Both groups of people think English is easier than Chinese and Chinese should be learn first before English.
As we could see the development of China economy has been surpassed US. Today, China became the most influence country in the world. China population has been exceeding the total population from other countries. The total number of China population is not yet included the oversea Chinese, like you and me. According to a website,, World languages & Cultures, Chinese, I am referring to Mandarin, is a top one language spoken around the world. I was surprise that English is in top four only. Hindi and Spanish are top 2 and top 3. As I know, there are many American and Canadian want to learn Mandarin.
Why I specially emphasize on Chinese will be another International Language in the future? English would not be replaced by Chinese. Because Chinese is hard to learn, in term of writing system, pronunciation and Chinese phonetic is complicated. The most important problem is, not everyone wants to learn Chinese. Like me, if one day someone tells me Jawa will be the international language in the future, I don’t think I will learn that. We already have English, the simpler language to learn. Therefore, I keep emphasize, Chinese could not replace English as International language in the future, but would become another international language.
I would say English is important, it is necessary to learn Chinese also. Like in Malaysia, Bahasa Malay is our nation language but we learn English also, because English is international language and it’s has been used around the world more than 100 years. One day, we need to learn Chinese also, because Chinese is international language as English.
This is end of my speech. Thank you for your attention.
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