Monday, September 20, 2010

Peer Pressure, a Pest!!

Please answer the following question carefully. By: Jason

1. Do you think peer pressure affects people positively or negatively? Why?



2. Based on the question above, to what extend that peer pressure is able to affect your behavior?


3. In what situation will you more likely to conform in peer pressure? Why?


4. How often do you think that you conform in peer pressure? Do you realize when you are conforming to you peers?


5. Given a situation, if two peers are influencing you, one toward positively and one toward negatively, which do you think that you will more likely to be influenced? Why?


6. Can you provide two examples which you conform in peer pressure that straight away comes in your mind?


7. Do you think crimes, drug abuse, underage alcohol consumption, rape and etc are caused by peer pressure?


7. Do you think peer pressure is able to mold a person’s behavior?


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