Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kathir's Best Moment

The topic was Best Moment but it turned out two be a emotional day overall in the class and Kathir choose a particular day that he had with his grandfather. On a personal note it was very inspiring one where the part Kathir had to go for a tournament in Johor and his "Old Man" told him 
don't play for the school, play for me and you
Few people will get inspired by this kind of words and it did certainly fueled him to do great stuff in life. Kathir like Ms Cheryl said has an awesome tone of voice for a speech, some call it mono tone which attract listeners to what is he presenting but at the same time his body movement and hand gestures where they are kind of distracting, well that is my opinion. Other then that the languages and the quality of delivery was very good but like Ms was stressing the whole period of the class he needs to narrow down to the topic as soon as possible cause time is very short.    No hard feeling Bro ^^

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