Tuesday, September 14, 2010

OOPS! one more :) Sorry, the IMPROMPTUS around college!

I forgot to mention the impromptus we had walking all around the campus,even in Metropoliton, giving speeches in public. This, I'm sure is not as easy as it seems and pretty nerve-wrecking but our fellow classmates so far have handled it pretty well. In fact, I somehow feel they did a better job in the streets than in class. That's just me though, what do you guys think?

Anyways, Yika's speech about cheating on her trials for Agama was really amusing as she told it pretty smoothly and even added humour to it. She was confident, as usual, and quite captivating. Though she was playing with her hands a lot.

Michelle's speech about college was interesting too, there was definitely a connection with us with her speech as we all know how it feels like to first step into this new world known as 'College life'. Her choice of topic was good.

Jia Xin was funny, they way she spoke, though she spoke rather fast, so I think some of us lost track of her story. It was a little entertaining though.

Bobby's speech was intersting as the story was one of a kind, and of course there were 'uhhs' and 'ahhs' here and there but he still captivates people when he speaks. That's kind of cool, not everyone can do that.

That's all I can remember really, so that's it for now from me, Thank you once again for reading :) . -Jeswena-

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