Thursday, September 16, 2010

out of the class - my best moment =)

the day when all of us have to go out of the class and start giving speeches around..
it was very fun!
the first one was Michelle, she was the lucky number and really lucky that the place was staircase..
none of the outsider passed by..
she was loud, clear, and steady on her speech..
overall it was fine.. =)

second was yika... her story about cheating in high skul haha... funnay~
but there's a lesson behind it...
u can be a free rider at anytime u want, but at the end of the day.. u will get something u deserve.. =)
her story was so interesting that two passer by actually stopped and listen HOHO...

then it was jia xin on the stage.. haha..
i think the impromptu session make all the story so interesting!
jia xin shared something about... jungle trekking..
she was good, steady even she was on the stage... animated in a way...
it would be better if she was abit louder..

Chea talked about her high school confessing memory..
wow.. she was such a bravo.. even ms Cheryl was shocked after listening to that..
overall it was good but again, the place was open air so hardly actually listen to what she said...
however, we were standing quite close to her so that we could hear... try to work on her vocal projection den it would be great...

ivan's was about racing with the cousin in the early morning... haha.. crazy experience he had...
as usual he was loud... and did not do any mistakes i suppose...

lastly would be bobby!
i think he really enjoyed the out of the class thing because he did not seem nervous at all instead, he was very relaxed sharing about his high school memory about FORKing the ground.. haha...
super crazy idea but too bad.. they did not do it...
he was good, animated.. all the mistakes he had in class were all gone.. everyone seemed to be quite attracted to his story...
shall keep it up! =D

that's all i can recall miss.. =)

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