Thursday, March 25, 2010


1. Has the blog been helpful in the process of learning?
Yes, the blog has been most helpful in the process of learning. Reason being that each and everyone of my classmates may have a different opinion on how my speech has been given, and through the feedback given by them, I am able to reflect on their comments given and find new ways of improving.

2. Is there a need for improvement? If yes, what would it be?
I would think yes, there is room for improvement. After reading posts that have been submitted by my fellow classmates I find that some of us are not very active on this blog. I do admit that I am one of them..haha. Yes, we may be very busy with projects and assignments, but hopefully we can contribute more to the blog to make it more interesting instead of just commenting on our classmate's speeches.

3. Do you have any suggestions?
Maybe Ms Cheryl can also post some comments up on how our speeches went so that know how well or badly we have performed from a professional.

-Jasmine Saw-

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