Friday, March 5, 2010

Persuasive Comment - Esther Ho's

I ran my finger through the keyboard and sigh. It's been 5 minutes since, and all I could remember was Esther's speech, Polygamy. Esther's speech was catchy and very interesting that's why I could remember hers. Despite that she didn't manage to show the pictures she had but I felt that the 7 minutes has been an interesting and informative one.

I have to admit that I thought Polygamy was a Polygon thing. It's stupid but that was the first thing that stroke into my mind. Yeah laugh it out. But at the moment Esther mentioned that "you might learn something new today (or something)", I felt "boomed".

So anyway, I did learn new stuffs like polygyny and polyandry. And I have to say that I agree when she mentioned that not only Men can marry more than one wife, SO DOES THE WOMEN! Living in the world where men and women are tally (no longer the traditional perception of Men the dominant species), women has the right to stand where men once stood.

Her body gesture was good. Her phrases was catchy, interesting photos (with tac-it somemore wei), smooth flow, and she was VERY relaxed. I admire her confidence, and her creativity in presenting her speech. Good one Esther.

Christin Lim.

1 comment:

  1. "POLYGAMY" the word that i never heard before. Until i heard Esther used this theme as her persuasive speech in her presentation. i started to search for the meaning of the word. But still, I am not clear with, until she finish her presentation. She was correct, as she had mention that, today the class will learn a new thing, and i have gain it.
    Basically, i think the way she present with additional photo attach was quite clear and the body language has help me to clear better.
    for me, she is greatr!
    Esther congratulation for your intenship presentation champion award.
