Saturday, March 6, 2010

Review on Esther's Speech

Esther's speech on polygamy is one that I find very interesting and really grabs my attention. Polygamy was one word that I have never come across to until Esther starts telling it. Knowing that most of her audience have no idea on what polygamy is, Esther makes her explanation easy to understand plus showing pictures of different types of polygamy was indeed attention grabbing and making her speech even more informative.

Of course, she did not forget to involve the audience as the speech goes on. She knows when and how to interact with the audience and keeps the audience listening to her. Throughout the whole speech, the response from the audience and the interaction was very good.

She is very confident in presenting and not feeling nervous at all. Even though it is a persuasive speech, the way she presented was very relaxed and laid back, but without failing to persuade the audience. This is one thing i admire.

In general, I think Esther did a very good job in her persuasive speech. =)

Melissa Wong

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