Friday, March 12, 2010

Oral Test 110310

Thanks for the comments :) I will improve in my next speech *prays* :D

The following comment will be on two speakers I've picked for the week :)

Janice :)
I think that Janice was very soft spoken, and I could not hear some points. And i went like "Huh, what did she just say?" I could not really hear. But I the pictures that she put up on the slides are good =) Good choice of topic too, did not expect such topic to come across :) *claps*


Jasmine :)
YEAH! Go green PPL! :) *Hi-5* Although alot of us might know about the enviroment right now, but I think Jasmine was reminding people about what's happening right around us, and that what we are going through is bad and could be improved. However, Jasmine, could put up pictures on slides, so that your speech and the pictures will impact more on listeners. :)

Thank you.

amyng ;)


  1. Janice! You are so soft spoken that people want to listen to what you say!!! Haha. Probably next speech try and tackle loud and entertaining speech! Will make it more interesting =)
