Friday, March 26, 2010

Gary in the house!

1. Has the blog been helpful in the process of learning?
Yeaps, I do agree that it helps as we dont see our classmates like everyday. We come from different cliques and groups. From this blog, we manage to be closer and view the comments about our presentation as we go online. So yea, i think it is a good process of learning, eventhough not much comments bout me :(

2. Is there a need for improvement?
Yes, I think that we need to have a video recorder or something, cause I cant seem to remember ALL the presentation.

3. Sugguestions?
For some people, we can watch it even if we missed the classes. Reasons or excuses, as long as everyone learned.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps for this class we can do something like a secret santa concept except it is a person who is to comment on you so everyone gets a person to review them hence everyone is involved.What do you think?
