Sunday, March 7, 2010

Like, whoa!

Little note to say THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR REVIEWS! (and that's a lot of reviews...oh my)

I'm really surprised by how many reviews there were on my polygamy speech. Did you guys like it that much? Aiyoyo! One wife/husband is enough problem la weiiii don't marry more! Want to die ah? LOL

Now I'm not bragging, so please don't get me wrong. But in response to a lot of your comments, here's a few uhh things I do for "proper bullshitting".

1) Prepare. Make sure you know your topic really well. Keep asking yourself questions as you go about preparing for your topic, like "Will my audience be bored if I tell them this?" stuff like that.

2) I didn't like my topic. Totally against it, but I suppose you just act like you do. You try and think about it from the opposite side, and try talking like them. Or pretending to believe. Like I was reading up on all those experts who support polygamy, and so I kinda forced myself to think like them.

3) Run the speech through in your head. Imagine it! Imagine yourself talking in front of your audience and doing really well. Experiment with your gestures and walking all in your head and try and imagine your audience's reaction. Works! If you can't imagine it, use a mirror. REALLY WORKS. Haha! I actually do the mirror thing. =P

4) That butterflies-in-your-tummy thing? That I-wanna-vomit-now feeling, the I-NEED-TO-PEE-NOW feeling, the I-WANNA-DIE-NAO feeling... I get it too. My knees shake, my hands shake, my voice eventually shakes, eventually my jaw starts chattering and I look like I'm on vibrating mode. I think all of you saw that especially during my first speech.

For me, jumping works to calm my nerves. Or I keep telling myself its gonna be fine, I'm gonna go out there and have fun... and that feeling seriously doesn't leave so I end up trying to "like" that feeling. I mean, it's the same feeling you get when you sit on roller-coasters, so if you can like taking a ride like that, you can learn to like that stage-fright feeling. It's like learning to eat your veggies!

5) I forgot my lines. Happened to me! Probably will happen every single time I speak too. So just move on. "If you're gonna do something wrong, do it like a pro." Keep yourself and your face totally cool and chill, so no one will know that you made a mistake. Just pretend your some hotshot and you're in control and just talk on.

6) Finally, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!!! You've prepared your slides, your cue cards, you know your topic, you got caught by your mom practising in front of the mirror and now she thinks you're nuts...Great! So when you actually start saying "Goodmorning, Miss Cheryl...." STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR SPEECH. Stop thinking about the audience, we're all just stumps of wood. Your brain and body know what to do, so just blabber away, you'll do fine! Just remember to look out for the timekeeper, for his/her "FIVE" sign, and then you're done. It's over! And you can go down to the canteen and get some nuggets for a job well done!

7) Time-wasters. As timekeeper, I know a lot of you don't have problems getting past the 5 minute mark. But if you find it difficult- USE PICTURES. Like me, I learnt it actually takes time to paste up a photo on the board and explain it. Hahahaha! Secret out!

TELL A STORY. It's like plan B. So while you're preparing, go find a story related to your topic. Or tell your own story. Or even better, waste MORE TIME by doing this to your audience:

"So everyone, I want you all to imagine with me that you're a lab rat. What would you be doing?" -ask some people-

"Okay. How would you feel as a lab rat?" -ask some people-

"Great! So you're with all your other lab rat buddies, and suddenly this doctor comes and takes your buddy away! What do you do?" -ask some people-

"How would you feel?" -ask some people-

Like that! Hahaha! Sure, its pretty obvious you're wasting time, but hey, at least you're getting your audience involved. You should get more marks for that? =P

Hope this helps everyone, all the best for your Oral Test!


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