Thursday, March 4, 2010

Review on Esther's Persuasive Speech.

Hi ppl.
Here's a little review on the speech that I personally found very interesting; which is the speech given by Esther.

Oh before I comment further, Congratulations Esther for your internship presentation =)

I found that Esther's speech was interesting because:

1. It was the topic that she chose that made everyone open up their minds and ears to listen to what she have to say. Polygamy should be legalized. I did not know of what polygamy was until she actually told me the meaning in her speech. And that now, I'm very clear of what polygamy is all about.And that her objective of the speech reached me.

2. I think that putting up pictures to let us all see on the different categories on polygamy was something that opened up my mind. And without those pictures, I dont think i could understand the different types of polygamy. [But, I think it could be improved if it was put up on slides, so that everyone could see a clearer picture]

3. I admired the way she has persuaded us to make polygamy legalized. Overall gestures fit the speech very well.

That's all I have to say.
Congrats Esther for the good speech =)

Amy :)

1 comment:

  1. agree..
    first time i see the words on board i do not know what is that..
    but after her speech..
    i only understand of the meaning of the words she wrote..
    now i know more about countries that following that kind of marriage.
